Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas from the Barbie Jordan-Best Family

Cousin Barbie~Jane visits for Christmas


Jordan gets a new "toy" for Christmas
Chops down his own tree..

and decorates with basketball ornaments!

La Petite Patisserie

Gets Ready to Open

(Visit Patisserie Here)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rescued Dolls

I found all these "girls" at a yard sale a few weeks ago. They were in awful shape. Their hair was matted and they were filthy. I would have taken a before picture but they were all "nekked"!

So, I washed, scrubbed...soaked hair in fabric softener and gently combed all that HAIR!! I think I heard a few screams to

I dressed them in some extra dresses that came with Designer Barbie I bought last month. Then made them some necklaces to match...and "voila"...a new woman out of each of them! Ordered some shoes (14 cents per pair) off ebay yesterday.

As I was photographing them, I could hear "thank you, thank you"...did my heart good.

They will make up the BB Fashion Model Agency for the upcoming store this year. Each has a little imperfection, but that's what makes them so special.

So now I need names for all of them...any suggestions? Let me know what name speaks to you for each one...can't name them all Barbie.

I plan on rescuing more and restoring them to resale in the boutique.

Barbie Best (aka Kathy B)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas 2012

Greetings from Barbie Best's New Home this Christmas!

Click on the lower right hand corner after opening video to enlarge to full screen 


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Merry Christmas!!
From Jordan and Barbie