Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas from the Barbie Jordan-Best Family

Cousin Barbie~Jane visits for Christmas


Jordan gets a new "toy" for Christmas
Chops down his own tree..

and decorates with basketball ornaments!

La Petite Patisserie

Gets Ready to Open

(Visit Patisserie Here)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rescued Dolls

I found all these "girls" at a yard sale a few weeks ago. They were in awful shape. Their hair was matted and they were filthy. I would have taken a before picture but they were all "nekked"!

So, I washed, scrubbed...soaked hair in fabric softener and gently combed all that HAIR!! I think I heard a few screams to

I dressed them in some extra dresses that came with Designer Barbie I bought last month. Then made them some necklaces to match...and "voila"...a new woman out of each of them! Ordered some shoes (14 cents per pair) off ebay yesterday.

As I was photographing them, I could hear "thank you, thank you"...did my heart good.

They will make up the BB Fashion Model Agency for the upcoming store this year. Each has a little imperfection, but that's what makes them so special.

So now I need names for all of them...any suggestions? Let me know what name speaks to you for each one...can't name them all Barbie.

I plan on rescuing more and restoring them to resale in the boutique.

Barbie Best (aka Kathy B)